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Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

Visit the memorial of the Reich Capital's concentration camp with a licensed guide

  • From 225
  • Meeting Point TBC

Service Description

In the summer of the 1936 Berlin Olympics, just a few miles North of the city, the construction of the Reich Capital's concentration camp began. Within months, Sachsenhausen would be one of the central sites of the Nazi system of persecution, and an epicentre of the destructive vision of the regime. Now a memorial, Sachsenhausen is a site of learning and reflection. Join me in travelling to the space, learning the history and experiences of the camp, and pay respects to a site of the true horrors of the Third Reich. Stops and themes include: - The beginnings of Sachsenhausen - The running of the camp by the SS at the Commandant's Building - The complicity and knowledge of the surrounding town of Oranienburg - Tower A and 'arbeit macht frei' - Everyday life of prisoners - The plurality of the camp experience, and different prisoners affected - Jewish prisoners at Barrack 38 - 'Hitler's Private Prison' - Resistance in the camp - The DDR Memorial - Camp Kitchen - The execution trench and Soviet POW operation - Station Z and the gas chamber

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