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Hi! I'm Will

I'm a professional tour guide living and working in Berlin. If you're looking for someone to show you, a friend, colleagues, or students around the city, please get in touch with an email. 

Originally from the UK, I moved to Berlin in 2019 after graduating with a First Class in History. The city fitted perfectly with everything I had studied. I specialised in the history of fascist ideology, socialist and Marxist thought, and genocide studies.

It wasn't just the history, though, that drew me in. It was the chaotic freedom that only Berlin could stand for: clubbing, street art, counter-culture, unashamed self-acceptance. It was perfect.

Since moving, I now offer private and public tours of every kind, from helping newbies get settled in the city, to placating the most die-hard history fans. 


I've been lucky enough to be featured in ExBerliner Magazine, as well as countless travel blogs. I also spend my extra time as the Food Correspondent for Bear Radio's flagship podcast URSA, a monthly English-language newsletter talking everything Europe and Berlin. I owe it partly to this that my food recommendations always go down well.

Now, with full-time guiding, I'm happy to fit any client's needs. I've given tours for corporate clients, university groups, school students, and even stag dos. Just get in touch via email, and Iet's see what we can do!

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